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And now here they were in the fifth, and the chair was just sitting there,

mocking him.

“Maybe it’s broken,” Wallace said. “We should try another chair.”

“Okay,” Nelson said. “Then take another one off a table.”

“Are you sure you don’t want to cross?” Wallace asked. “Because I can

go get Hugo right now and he can walk you to the door.”

“You’d miss me too much.”

“Keep telling yourself that.” He took a deep breath, letting it out slow.

“Unexpect. Unexpect. Unexpect.”

He reached for the chair.

His hand went right through it.

And oh, did that piss him off. He growled at it, swinging for it again and

again, his hand always passing through the wood as if it (or he) weren’t there

at all. With a yell, he kicked at it, which, of course, led to his foot going

through the chair as well. The momentum carried his leg up and he teetered

back before crashing onto the floor. He blinked up at the ceiling.

“That certainly went well,” Nelson said. “Feel better?”

He started to say no but stopped himself. Because strangely, he did feel


He said, “This is so stupid.”

“Right?” Nelson said. “It really is.”

Wallace turned his head toward him. “How long did it take you to figure

all of this out?”

Nelson shrugged. “I don’t know that I’ve figured all of it out. But it did

take me longer than a week, I’ll give you that.”

Wallace pushed himself up. “Then why do you think I’m going to be any


“Because you have me, of course.” Nelson smiled. “Get up.”

Wallace pushed himself up off the floor.

Nelson nodded toward the chair. “Try again.”

Wallace curled his hands into fists. If Nelson could do it, Wallace could

too. Granted, Nelson wasn’t exactly offering specifics on how to do it, but

Wallace was determined.

He looked at the chair before closing his eyes. He let his thoughts drift,

knowing the more he focused, the worse off he’d be. He tried to think about

nothing at all, but there were little flickers of light behind his eyelids, like

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