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A few nights later, Wallace was determined. Irritated, but determined.

He stopped in front of a chair. Nelson had taken it off one of the tables,

setting it in the center of the room. Around them, the house creaked and

groaned as it settled. He could hear Mei snoring in her room. Hugo was

probably doing the same somewhere above, a place Wallace hadn’t dared go

to yet for reasons he couldn’t quite explain. He knew it had to do with the

door, but he thought Hugo was part of it too.

The only people up were the dead, and Wallace wasn’t a fan right now of

two-thirds of them. Nelson was watching him calmly and Apollo had that

goofy grin on his face as he lay next to Nelson’s chair.

“Good,” Nelson said. “Now, what did I tell you?”

He ground his teeth together. “It’s a chair.”

“What else?”

“I have to unexpect it.”


“And I can’t force it.”

“Exactly,” Nelson said, as if that explained everything.

“That’s not how any of this works.”

“Really,” Nelson said dryly. “Because you have such a good idea about

how this works. What was I thinking.”

Wallace grunted in frustration. He wasn’t used to failing, especially not so

spectacularly. When Nelson had told him he was going to start teaching

Wallace the fine art of being a ghost, Wallace had assumed he’d take to it like

he’d taken to everything else: with grand success and little care for whatever

got in the way.

That had been the first hour.

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