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“It was fast,” Hugo said, staring off into the darkness. He let his hands

hang over the edge of the railing. “The roads were slick. Sleet and freezing

rain had been falling all day, and Mom and Dad were going out on a date.

They’d been thinking about staying in, but I told them to go ahead, so long as

they were careful. They worked hard, and I thought they deserved a night out,

you know? So I pushed them. Told them to go.” He shook his head. “I

didn’t … it’s weird. I didn’t know it was the last time I’d see them as they

were then. Dad squeezed my shoulder, and Mom kissed me on the cheek. I

grumbled about it and told them I wasn’t a kid anymore. They laughed at me

and told me I was always going to be their little boy, even if I hadn’t been

little in a long time. They died. Car hit a patch of ice and slid off the road. It

rolled. I was told it was over in an instant. But that stuck with me for a long

time, because it was over for me in an instant, and yet it feels like it’s still

happening, sometimes.”

“Shit,” Wallace breathed.

“I fell asleep on the couch. I woke up because someone was standing

above me. I opened my eyes, and … there they were. Just standing there,

looking down at me, wearing their nice clothes. Dad hated his tie, said it felt

like he was choking, but Mom made him wear it anyway, telling him he

looked so handsome. I asked them what time it was. You know what they


Wallace shook his head.

Hugo laughed wetly. “Nothing. They said nothing at all. They flickered in

and out, and I thought I was dreaming. And then a Reaper appeared.”


“Yeah,” Hugo said. “That was … something else. He took my parents by

the hands, and I demanded to know who he was and what the hell he was

doing in our house. I’ll never forget the look of shock on his face. I wasn’t

supposed to be able to see him.”

“How did you?”

“I don’t know,” Hugo admitted. “I’m not like Mei. I’d never seen ghosts

before or anything like that. I never had any kind of touch or sight or

whatever it is that makes people like Mei who they are. I was just … me. But

here I was, trying to grab onto my parents, to pull them away from this

stranger, but my hands kept going right through them. I reached for the

unknown man, and for a moment, it worked. I felt him. It was like fireworks

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