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“Until?”Her eyes slid unfocused as she looked off into nothing. “Until someonecame for me and offered me a job. He told me who—what I was. And withthe proper training, what I could do. He brought me here to Hugo, to see ifwe’d make a good match.”“The Manager,” Wallace said.“Yeah. But don’t worry about him. He’s nothing we can’t handle.”“Then why do you seem so scared of him?”She startled. “I’m not scared of anything.”He didn’t think that was true. If she was telling the truth and was human,she’d always have to be scared of something. That was how humanityworked. Survival instinct was based on a healthy dose of fear.“I’m wary of him,” she said. “He’s … intense. And that’s putting it mildly.I’m grateful he brought me here and taught me what he knows, but it’s betterwhen he’s gone.”From everything he’d heard about the Manager, Wallace hoped he’d staygone. “And he … what? Made you this way?”She shook her head. “He fine-tuned what was already there. I’m a sort ofmedium, and yes, I know how that sounds, so you can shut your mouth.”He did.“I have…” She paused. Then, “It’s like when you’re standing in adoorway. You have one foot on one side, and the other foot on the other side.You’re in two places at once. That’s me. He just showed me how to lean intoone side of the doorway, and how to pull myself back.”“How can you do this?” Wallace asked, suddenly feeling very small.“How can you be surrounded by death all the time and not let it get to you?”“I wish I could tell you it’s because I always wanted to help people,” Meisaid. “But that would be a lie. I didn’t … I didn’t know how to be. I had tounlearn so many things I’d been taught. Hell, the first time Hugo hugged me, Ididn’t hug him back because that’s not something I’d ever really had before.Contact, much less physical affection, wasn’t something I was used to. It tookme a while to appreciate it for what it was.” She grinned at him. “Now, I’mpretty much the best hugger.”Wallace remembered how her hand had felt in his the first time, the reliefthat’d washed over him. He couldn’t imagine going an entire life withoutknowing something like that.

“It’s like you, in a way,” she said. “You need to unlearn all that you know.I wish I could just flip a switch for you, but that’s not how it works. It’s aprocess, Wallace, and it takes time. For me, it started when I was shown thetruth. It changed me, though definitely not right away.” She hopped downfrom the counter, though she kept the distance between them. “I do what I dobecause I know there’s never been a time in your life when you’ve been moreconfused or more vulnerable. And if I can do something to at least alleviatethat a little bit, then so be it. Death isn’t a final ending, Wallace. It is anending, sure, but only to prepare you for a new beginning.”He was stunned when he felt a tear trickle down onto his cheek. Hebrushed it away, not able to look at Mei as he did so. “You’re awfullystrange.”He heard the smile in her voice. “Thank you. That might be the nicest thingyou’ve ever said to me. You’re awfully strange too, Wallace Price.”Hugo was in front of the fireplace when Wallace left the kitchen, putting logsin under the direct supervision of Nelson. Apollo sat on his haunches,looking between the two of them, tongue hanging out of his mouth as hepanted. “Higher,” Nelson said. “Make it a big one. I’ve got a chill in mybones. Gonna be a cold night. Spring often lies with hints of green and sun.”“Of course it does,” Hugo said. “Don’t want you to be cold.”“Absolutely,” Nelson agreed. “I could catch my death, and then wherewould you be?”Hugo shook his head. “I don’t even want to imagine.”“Good man. Ah, there it is.” The fire grew, the flames bright. “Alwayssaid that having a good fire and good company is all a person needs.”“Funny,” Hugo said. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard you say that before.”Nelson sniffed. “Then you weren’t listening. I say it all the time. I’m yourelder, Hugo, which means you should be hanging on to my every word andbelieving everything I say.”“I do,” Hugo assured him as he stood. “I couldn’t ignore you if I tried.”“Damn right,” Nelson said. He tapped his cane on the floor, and he wasback in his pajamas, bunny slippers and all. “That’s better. Wallace, don’t

“It’s like you, in a way,” she said. “You need to unlearn all that you know.

I wish I could just flip a switch for you, but that’s not how it works. It’s a

process, Wallace, and it takes time. For me, it started when I was shown the

truth. It changed me, though definitely not right away.” She hopped down

from the counter, though she kept the distance between them. “I do what I do

because I know there’s never been a time in your life when you’ve been more

confused or more vulnerable. And if I can do something to at least alleviate

that a little bit, then so be it. Death isn’t a final ending, Wallace. It is an

ending, sure, but only to prepare you for a new beginning.”

He was stunned when he felt a tear trickle down onto his cheek. He

brushed it away, not able to look at Mei as he did so. “You’re awfully


He heard the smile in her voice. “Thank you. That might be the nicest thing

you’ve ever said to me. You’re awfully strange too, Wallace Price.”

Hugo was in front of the fireplace when Wallace left the kitchen, putting logs

in under the direct supervision of Nelson. Apollo sat on his haunches,

looking between the two of them, tongue hanging out of his mouth as he

panted. “Higher,” Nelson said. “Make it a big one. I’ve got a chill in my

bones. Gonna be a cold night. Spring often lies with hints of green and sun.”

“Of course it does,” Hugo said. “Don’t want you to be cold.”

“Absolutely,” Nelson agreed. “I could catch my death, and then where

would you be?”

Hugo shook his head. “I don’t even want to imagine.”

“Good man. Ah, there it is.” The fire grew, the flames bright. “Always

said that having a good fire and good company is all a person needs.”

“Funny,” Hugo said. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard you say that before.”

Nelson sniffed. “Then you weren’t listening. I say it all the time. I’m your

elder, Hugo, which means you should be hanging on to my every word and

believing everything I say.”

“I do,” Hugo assured him as he stood. “I couldn’t ignore you if I tried.”

“Damn right,” Nelson said. He tapped his cane on the floor, and he was

back in his pajamas, bunny slippers and all. “That’s better. Wallace, don’t

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