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Loosening Roots to Reach the Nations

the gospel. God’s ways are not our ways. But his mission is

sure. Jesus said so. And his word cannot fail. “I will build

my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against

it” (Matt. 16:18). “This gospel of the kingdom will be

proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to

all nations” (Matt. 24:14). Not “may be proclaimed.” But

“will be proclaimed.”


We may think the coronavirus outbreak is a setback for

world missions. I doubt it. God’s ways often include apparent

setbacks that result in great advances.

On January 9, 1985, Pastor Hristo Kulichev, a Congregational

pastor in Bulgaria, was arrested and put in prison.

His crime was that he preached in his church even though

the state had appointed another man as pastor whom the

congregation did not elect. His trial was a mockery of

justice. And he was sentenced to eight months in prison.

During his time in prison, he made Christ known in every

way he could.

When he got out, he wrote, “Both prisoners and jailers

asked many questions, and it turned out that we had a


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