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The Rock Is Righteous

Before creation, God was the only reality. So when there is

only God, how do you define what is right for God to do?

That is, how can God’s holiness encompass not only his

transcendence but also his righteousness?

The answer is that the standard of God’s righteousness

is God. The foundational biblical principle is this: “He

cannot deny himself” (2 Tim. 2:13). He cannot act in a

way that would deny his own infinite worth and beauty

and greatness. This is the standard of what is right for God.

This means that the moral dimension of God’s holiness—his

righteousness—is his unwavering commitment

to act in accord with his worth and beauty and greatness.

Every affection, every thought, every word, and every act

of God will always be consistent with the infinite worth

and beauty of his transcendent fullness. If God were to

deny this worth or beauty or greatness, it would not be

right. The ultimate standard would be broken. He would

be unrighteous.


The goodness of God is not identical with his holiness or

his righteousness. But it is interlocking in that his holiness


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