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A Solid Foundation

kind of light? It’s the light “of the glory of Christ, who is

the image of God.” This is not magical. It’s not mystical in

the sense of something appearing that is really not there.

Jesus Christ is the kind of divine-human person whose

moral and spiritual and supernatural glory—his beauty

and worth and greatness—shines through God’s word. It

authenticates Scripture as true.


This is why I say there is a divine glory that shines through

the Scriptures that fits perfectly with the God-shaped template

in your heart. In that way, it authenticates the truth

and value of the Bible.

Yes, I do believe that there is a God-shaped template—

a kind of indirect knowledge of God—in every human

soul. The Bible puts it like this. Speaking of all humanity,

it says, “What can be known about God is plain to them.

. . . Although they knew God, they did not honor him as

God” (Rom. 1:19, 21).

The Bible teaches that this knowing in every soul makes

us all responsible to see the glory of God in nature. In the

same way, we are also responsible to see the glory of God in


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