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“You disagree,” he said, picking up his silverware and

setting a napkin on his lap as soon as they closed the door. I

did the same. “Explain.”

“I don’t think it’s like the old days, where people used to

invade and conquer land for the hell of it.”

“It’s been happening in the Middle East for a long time


“Well, yeah, but that’s di erent. That wouldn’t happen


“Why not?”

“It just wouldn’t.”

“Because we feel safe,” he said. “Because the Crown has

always been there. To dismantle that would cause chaos.”

I thought about that for a moment as we ate in silence.

Maybe it would. I hadn’t considered that a lot of the

problems going on in other countries may be because of the

dismantling of organized government the way they once

knew it. On the other hand, maybe the chaos had to happen

in order for change to arise.

“Change is the only constant.” I set my fork and knife

down and wiped my mouth before taking a sip of the wine in

front of me. “Maybe that’s why people riot until

governments are replaced and changed.”

“And then riot more once they get what they wanted,” he

said. “We’re never going to be satisfied.”

“Maybe so, but that’s not a bad thing. If you’re satisfied

with the way things are day in and day out, you might as well

be dead. Isn’t the point to work for more? To try to be better


“The point of what? Life? Are we talking about life now?

Because the topic of life and why we’re here is di erent from

whether or not the monarchy should stand.”

“How is it di erent? You of all people should argue that

it’s the same thing. That your reason for existing is to be the

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