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“Okay, Spider-Man.”

“It’s true though.” He chuckled before getting serious

again. “A lot of people, including your father, don’t like how

much power the Crown yields. They don’t like how

traditional my family is. They want us to become a

commonwealth country. They want my father to relinquish

his power and he won’t, which means, I can’t. By staying

traditional and true to what the Crown means to our family,

we’re able to make a di erence in the country, whether or

not you see it. With that responsibility comes duty, one being

that I must marry before or soon after I’m coronated king.”

He shrugged. “It’s not something I agree with, but who am I

to change thousands of years of history?”

“The future king.” I waited a moment for him to respond.

When he didn’t, I added, “That’s who you are. You can

change everything once you become king.”

“And risk losing all of my allies?”

“What do you need allies for? We’re not at war.”

“Not today, but what about tomorrow? We don’t know

what the future holds. The reason people don’t invade or try

to take things from us isn’t because they can’t, but out of

respect for the Crown.”

“I disagree.” I set my glass down.

Before he could respond, the butler came back with a

helper carrying two trays they set in front of us and

uncovered to show us a surf and turf dinner with fingerling

potatoes on the side. They took the champagne bottle and set

it in the ice and replaced our flutes with wine glasses,

pouring red wine and setting it where the champagne had

been. Everything was done e ciently, with a blink-andyou’ll-miss-it

swiftness. They were gone with a “bon

appétit” as quickly as they arrived. I was still processing

what had just happened when Elias spoke again.

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