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pull a chair out for me, and I thanked him as I took a seat. He

sat beside me.

“Do you get this creative for all of your dates?”

“Not once.”

I smiled, looking at him. “I almost believe you.”

“You should believe me. I’m not much of a liar.” He tilted

his head. “Well, most of the time, I’m not much of a liar.”

“Good to know.” I laughed. The butler came over and

served us champagne in flutes and poured waters before

disappearing into the house.

“Cheers to a good first date.” Elias lifted a flute as I lifted

mine and we clinked and drank.

“It’s one date,” I said, setting the flute down.

“You already cheered to it being a first date.” He set his

down as well. “Which means, there may be more.”

“You do realize I’m planning your engagement gala,


“It’s just a gala like every other gala my mother has been

putting on since I was born. They’re all the same.”

“Meaning there is always a herd of women who attend in

hopes to catch your attention and be married o to you?”


“Sounds . . . fun?”

“Not fun.” He smiled. “I’d bet good money half of them

would hate being married to me, but can’t say otherwise.”

“I’d bet otherwise.”

“Even knowing I’m an asshole?” He raised his glass and

an eyebrow.

“Even knowing that.” I raised my own, with a shrug.

“You’re a prince. Everyone dreams of being a princess.”

“Even you?”

“I used to.” I took a gulp of the champagne. “Not so much


“Because of me?”

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