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not to think about it. That was five years ago and this was

now. This was one date. One date. I needed to make it clear to

myself that nothing that happened tonight would happen

again. The man was about to become engaged to someone

and I’d never see him again.

“Are you ready?” he asked.

“I think so.” I smiled, grabbing my keys and walking out

behind him. I shut my door, locked it, and turned to him.

“I’m surprised you didn’t send someone to pick me up.”

“That wouldn’t be a date.” His gaze slid to mine. “I’m

trying to make a good first impression here.”

“You made a good first impression.” I bit my lip and

looked away.

“Did I?” I could hear the smile in his voice, and even

though I had no intention of confirming it, I really wanted to

know if he remembered our night together or if he was

talking about when I went over there with Etienne. When we

reached his villa, he walked to the back and let me go ahead

of him up the stairs. “Tell me about this scandal you’re

involved in.”

“You looked me up.” My face flamed.

“Of course I did.”

When we reached the top floor balcony, I froze, taking it

all in. There were little lights hanging from the back door to

the columns of the balcony and a table with white linen and

pink roses in the center. There were two place settings in

front of two chairs sitting side by side that faced the ocean.

Nearby, there was an ice bucket with champagne and a butler

wearing white gloves, with a white napkin draped over his


“Wow,” I said.

“Come on.” He chuckled beside me, grabbing my hand in

his and walking me toward the table. He let go of my hand to

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