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C H A P T E R 1 1

T Lenora and Pedro were finished with it. It looked

quaint, but beautiful on the outside, with bright green grass

and a sleek, white storefront that made it look like a fancy

he bookstore looked completely di

erent after

boutique store. Upstairs, the café area was adorable, though

it was still missing a lot of things, including an actual co ee

maker and barista. I’d have to speak to my uncle about that

when he got back. Instead of spending my time stocking

books, I spent it drawing up ideas for the Versailles gala. I

was on my fifteenth drawing when the door of the shop

opened, making the bell above it ring and giving me pause. A

customer? It shut and opened again. And again. And a fourth

time. I set down my pencil, shut my iPad, and stood up,

waiting for the customers to come into view. I saw the first

man dressed in all black, followed by three others, and I

already knew Prince Elias was due to follow. My heart

slammed in my chest as I waited.

As usual, there was no use in bracing myself. Each time I

saw him, I found myself surprised. Today, he wore khaki

pants and a white short-sleeve button-down that gave me a

full view of his muscular arms. The top two buttons were

undone and I found myself licking my lips as I stared at his

neck. He had an almost golden skin tone that I knew wasn’t

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