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timing. He looked cranky tonight. Again. He hadn’t been very

cranky when we’d been alone on the beach.

“Planning another date together?” Prince Elias asked.

“Seems that way,” I said. “Do you need the time and date

so you can crash again?”

“Sure. When is it?” He cocked his head as he looked at

me, amusement clear in his eyes.

“The night of your gala. I guess you’ll be indisposed.

Don’t worry, we’ll fill you in on all the details the next day.”

I smiled.

“You’re assuming I won’t leave the gala and come find


That gave me pause. I blinked and glanced at Pierre,

whose eyebrows had reached a new height, and seemed to be

taken aback by his words as well. I opened my mouth a

couple of times to respond, but found nothing adequate to


“Don’t worry, Miss Adeline. I’m joking. I won’t intrude on

your date,” Prince Elias said after a moment, though he

seemed to be enjoying seeing me at a loss for words. He

reached down, grabbed the basket, and began disappearing

inside. “Pierre. A word, please.”

“Yes, sir.” Pierre glanced at me. “We’ll talk soon.”

“Of course.”

This time, I walked away.

Friday arrived quickly and I was soon on a plane to visit

Versailles with my mother and Joss. When I arrived, I parked

in the designated space, where the caterers and sta left

their cars, and rode the bus to the main property. My mother

and Joss were already there, both looking at their phones as

they waited outside the main entrance while tourists side-

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