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C H A P T E R 1 0


hour ago according to the weather forecast, and I was sad to

have missed it. It was always the one thing that stood out

about this place to me. The sunrise hadn’t been like this

anywhere else I’d been. As I sat there, I noticed someone

walking out of the ocean. A man. I was close enough to the

water that I could make out his toned torso and that damn V

that disappeared into his board shorts. His hair was covering

his face, but he suddenly reached down, wet his hand, and

combed it back with his fingers. My heart skipped a beat.

Elias. Fuck. Of course. He was so damn gorgeous. He tilted

his head up and I could swear his eyes met mine. My heart

stopped beating entirely. I held my breath. Would he walk

this way or disappear into his villa? My answer came when a

man walked out and said something to him. I made the

decision for him and stood and went back inside my own

villa. The last thing I needed was to look for trouble right

now and Prince Elias, soon to be King, would definitely be


went to the second floor of my villa and sat out on

the balcony with my co ee. The sun had risen an

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