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He laughed again. The villa was the same layout as mine,

so finding one wouldn’t be di cult. It was finding one that

didn’t have people standing outside of it waiting that would

prove to be a challenge. I glanced around the room. The

longer the party went on, the more risqué people seemed to

become. Apparently, inhibitions really did run wild when

people had something to hide behind. I decided that going

into one of the rooms may be the best option, so I tried the

first one and found a couple making out on the bed. I shut it

quickly. I moved on to the next room and found a group of

men having a conversation. I shut that quickly as well. There

was only one room left and it was the master downstairs.

That level had a guest bathroom outside of the bedroom, so I

could use it without going into his room. I headed toward the

stairs and walked down there.

I felt uneasy. It was completely dark down here and I felt

like I was trespassing. I had to pass his bedroom to reach the

bathroom at the end of the hall, and my steps slowed as I

walked past. I heard movement inside, the sounds of a

conversation between a man and a woman. Was it the

Princess of Austria? She’d been looking for him earlier. Was

she the one he was to be engaged to? She was beautiful and

royal and fit the bill. One thing I’d learned in boarding school

was that all of those royals and billion-dollar heirs had flings

with each other at one point or another. It was a cesspool of

future monarchs and the outside world couldn’t begin to

understand them, so it made sense. Still, for some reason,

the thought didn’t sit well with me.

I went into the guest bathroom and locked the door. I

stayed in there a little longer than necessary and re-did my

wig and fixed my mask before walking out. The door to the

bedroom opened as I stepped out of the guest bathroom and

a woman walked out. She was fixing her dress and running a

finger underneath her lip to fix her lipstick. She didn’t even

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