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“Ten minutes.” I laughed, for real this time. “You

actually expect me to wear this get-up for ten minutes?”

“I don’t expect you to. The prince does.”

“He wasn’t wearing a tuxedo at the pub.”

“He hadn’t changed yet,” Pierre said. “Which . . . there’s

another thing I need to . . . ask you?”

“You sound confused about the asking.”

“He needs somewhere to change before he goes back in

there to make his grand entrance and I thought maybe it

would be a good idea for him to come here.”


“Well, he would have gone to one of our quarters to do so,

but yours is the closest house to his, so it would make more

sense. Thinking of it from a security standpoint.”

“A security standpoint. Right.” I took a deep breath. “I

guess he can come here. I have two spare bedrooms with


“Would you, um . . . ” Pierre licked his lips. “Would you

mind giving me a key so he can let himself in? In case you’re


I glanced away and looked out the window, toward the

party that was definitely happening. From here, I could make

out someone in the garden, and she was wearing a similar

dress to the one in my hand, so I knew this was real. I

exhaled, walking over to the kitchen, grabbing the spare key,

and handing it to Pierre.

“He gives it back tonight.”

“You have my word.”

With that, he left and I went to my room and locked the

door. If Prince Elias was going to be in my house, my room

would be o -limits. We called them villas, but they were

more like miniature mansions in the guise of cute beach

villas. The rooms were bigger than my one-bedroom

apartment in North Carolina had been, with large sitting

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