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“I have two days o , but my line sounded better than

saying that.”

I laughed again. Suddenly, the door beside us burst open

and we both froze as if caught doing something wrong. I’d

only ever seen Prince Elias smiling that charming, pantydropping

grin he liked to flash at photographers just as they

snapped his photo, the one I’d seen yesterday when Etienne

was with me, so the fact that he was standing before me,

glaring, threw me for a loop. I blinked away from his eyes

and it was then that I noticed he wasn’t wearing a shirt. My

eyes widened on his torso. There was no question that the

prince worked out.

“Do you need something?” he snapped.

“Um. No.” I blinked rapidly at his tone, wondering why in

the world it was directed toward me. “I was just dropping o

a few things.”

“Do we have everything we need, Pierre?” His gaze swung

to the guard.

“Yes, sir.”

“Please bring it inside.” He spoke to him in a direct yet

polite tone. It was me he was saving the disdain for and that

was perfectly clear when he looked at me again. “Thank you

for bringing it. That will be all. I’ll be needing my things

much earlier tomorrow.”

In response, I could only nod and blink. I couldn’t even

say another word. Pierre followed the prince inside and the

door was shut in my face. It was definitely not what I’d been

expecting and not something I wanted to experience again.

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