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C H A P T E R 3


’d spent my morning on the phone with a book

distributor, making sure they got the boxes I sent

back to them. My uncle had entirely too many boring books

in the store. Books that had been here for over ten years and

not sold, but he’d been hesitant to send back. He said it was

because he didn’t want them to destroy them. I told him he

was destroying himself by keeping them here. It was no

wonder in the week I’d been here only two people had

walked in. I glanced over to the front door. I needed to do

something about the storefront as well. I’d called a couple

that flipped houses here to see if they could help me with

this and they were due here any minute. I didn’t have a ton

of money to spend on my uncle’s behalf, but I had enough

saved up to hopefully make a di erence around here. When

the door opened, I stood and set the books in my hand down,

passing my hands over my sundress to make sure it fell into

place. The house-flipping couple came into view and I

moved forward to greet them.

“Hi. I’m Adeline. Thank you so much for coming.” I

smiled, shaking each of their hands.

“I’m Lenora, this is Pedro.”

“So nice to meet you both.” I took my hand back and

waved it around the store. “Well, this is the place. As you can

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