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here all of the time. He hadn’t taken a vacation in over ten

years before I came along, so yes, I would help.

“I won’t bother you before five,” Prince Elias, or Eli, as

Etienne referred to him, said.

“It’s not a bother,” I said quickly. “I mean, the

cellphones don’t work anyway so I’m not sure how you’d get

ahold of me.”

“Landlines,” Etienne suggested. He was speaking to me

like I was five. I glared at him, hoping he understood I’d slap

him if he continued. He seemed to understand it, because his

attention shifted back to the prince. “So, any big parties I

need to come back for?”

“If I decide to host one, you’ll be on the invite list.”

“Right. Well, I guess I’ll see you around then.” Etienne

bumped his fist against the prince’s and I gave a little weak

wave, unwilling to touch him even with my fist out of fear of

what I might feel.

When we got outside and the door was shut behind us by

the security guy, I punched Etienne in the shoulder.

“Ow. What the hell, Addie?”

“What the hell you! What was that in there?”

“You were fidgeting and talking too much and then

zoning out in the middle of conversations. Telling the prince

you wouldn’t be at his beck and call. You needed to get your

shit together.”

“I won’t be at his beck and call. My job is to make and

deliver him baskets and help my uncle with his bookstore.

That’s it.”

“Well, you looked like an idiot back there,” he said, and

then started laughing.

“You’re an idiot.” I unlocked the door and let us in. “Go

pack your bag for your stupid trip.”

“I’ll be done quickly.” He shook his head as he walked

down the hall and disappeared into the guest room. “You

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