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“We’ll go easy on you,” one of the women in the back


“Go for it.” She straightened her posture. “I’m ready.”

“When did you meet the King?”

“That’s quite a story, actually.” Adeline blushed. “We met

at a party right before I went o to college in the States. We

hit it o right away, but didn’t see each other again until last


“Was it love at first sight?” another reporter asked.

“For me it was.” I set my hand on Adeline’s knee while I


“He’s just saying that because he spilled juice on my

favorite blouse earlier,” Adeline quipped with a wink.

The room laughed.

“Will you live here in Versailles?”

“Heavens, no,” Adeline said. “All of this opulence and

open space will give anyone nightmares.”

“Not to mention the history,” a reporter added.

“Right. I’m not quite sure I want the ghosts of past kings

to watch me while I’m in the bath,” Adeline said.

They laughed again.

“I know they’re ghosts, but I may have to kill them


They laughed louder.

The entire interview went o without a hitch. When we’d

answered enough questions, Pierre interrupted and told the

reporters to wrap it up.

“Will Adeline be joining you on your broadcasts?” one

reporter asked, hopeful.

“Maybe.” I glanced over at Addie and smiled. “She’s easy

to fall in love with, isn’t she?”

“As are you,” Addie said, smiling back at me.

Just as the cameraman was counting down to cut the

broadcast, I leaned over and kissed her lips. I could swear I

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