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erupted in cheers. “I asked a couple of months ago, but we

wanted to keep it to ourselves for a little while before letting

the world in on it. I hope you’ll respect that. That’s the only

news I have for now. I’m going to let the reporters here ask

questions while we’re live on television, which has never

been done before. Please bear with me if this doesn’t go as

expected.” I grinned at the camera before turning my

attention to the first reporter. My mother was going to have

my head for this, but I spoke about this with Pierre and

Adeline, who agreed this was a good way to earn the people’s

trust. Adeline, her mother, my mother, my brother, Pilar,

Joslyn, Etienne, and Pierre were all in the room as I made the

broadcast. Adeline had yet to come around to accepting her

father back in her life, but she was working her way there

slowly. He’d been apologizing to her the last couple of

months and coming around more often, not solely on


“May we ask Adeline questions?” the reporter asked,

catching me o guard.

“This is why doing this live may not be such a good idea.”

I chuckled. “Adeline is o -limits, unless she says


“I’ll answer a few questions,” Adeline responded.

My head whipped in her direction. She was wearing a

navy-blue knee-length dress that matched her ring perfectly

and her hair was up in a low bun. She looked beautiful, but I

couldn’t wait to mess up that hair and rip o that dress. As

she walked over to me, Pierre grabbed a chair and placed it

beside me. She took a seat and smiled at me before turning

her attention to them.

“I must warn you that I have not been advised on how to

do this, so I may not be a very good interviewee,” Adeline

said to the reporter. “But I’ll try.”

All of the reporters laughed lightly.

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