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“Are you not my world?”

I pulled away slightly and met his gaze. The conversation

I overheard between him and Emily’s father replaying in my

head. I wasn’t sure whether to slap him or walk away.

Setting aside the fact that I was completely shocked to find

him here, that is, because even if he did know where I was I

hadn’t expected him to chase after me. Send Pierre after me?

Maybe. Call me incessantly the way he had been? Maybe. But

not actually show up. He was a King, for God’s sake.

Traditionally, the King didn’t leave his throne unless he had

important matters to take care of, and even then, the

important matters went to him, not the other way around.

The pub was so quiet you could hear the dripping of the not

fully shut faucet nearby. Elias was still staring at me,

waiting, assessing, the way a true King would. I let the

silence drag on because I was enjoying his minimal

discomfort, which no one else could see but I knew him well

enough to take note. Finally, I licked my lips and spoke up.

“You don’t need to sweet-talk me. If you need me to

pretend to be your girlfriend, you can just ask me. I would

have done you the favor.”

“I don’t want any favors from you, Adeline. And I want

you to be with me because you want to be, so I fully

understand if you want to walk away from me, but you can’t

expect me not to fight for what’s mine.”

“Maybe that’s the problem. Maybe I’m not yours.”

His eyes flashed. “Don’t say that. Say anything but that.”

“I’m not a prize, Elias.”

“To me, you are, Addie.” He stepped closer still. “The

ultimate prize. One I don’t deserve, but will work an eternity

to earn.”

“Elias.” I shook my head, swallowing back tears. He was


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