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“He’s an idiot.”

“He is,” she agreed.

“I can’t believe he used me.”

“Maybe we don’t have all of the facts straight.”

“We have all of the facts straight.” I slapped the napkin

down on the table. “I asked Pierre and he confirmed it.”

“Right, but it’s clear the king has feelings for you.”

“Sure. Lustful ones.” I took a deep breath and hiccupped.

“Ugh. I hate hiccups.”

“I think that’s a sign that you drank too much. Or too


“Well, you know what takes away the hiccups.” I lifted

the wine glass and downed it. Then I hiccupped. “That’s

supposed to help.” I frowned looking at the empty glass.

“It’s not like I ever thought I’d be queen or anything. I

mean, for a second I did imagine it but not in a legitimate,

I’m going to be Queen of France kind of way, with people

bowing at me and stu .”

Mayra stood up suddenly and curtsied deeply. I laughed at

the sight. “Sit down, you weirdo. I’m not queen.”


I gasped, sitting up straight and looking over my shoulder

at Elias. But it couldn’t be Elias. Except, Pierre was standing

behind him and I knew I wouldn’t imagine him in my

fantasy. I looked around the bar and witnessed everyone

bowing and curtsying at him and it occurred to me that he

was really here. I stood from my barstool, swaying a bit. Elias

caught my arm and held it. I curtsied in front of him. Not as

deeply as Mayra. Not as prettily. But as well as I could

manage in my drunken state. When I straightened he pulled

me into his arms.

“You don’t curtsy to me,” he said into my ear.

“Are you not my King?”

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