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“The queen. That’s it.”

“Of course.” I laughed, getting out of the car. “God, I feel

so stupid.”

“Wait.” Pierre ran after me. “Adeline, you can’t just leave

like this. He’ll want to talk to you.”

“For what?”

“To explain.”

“Explain what?” I yelled.

“Wait.” Pierre pushed a button on his phone. “Eli. Yes, I

know, but there’s been...” He paused. “I know.” He paused

again. “Adeline needs to speak to you.” He paused again,

then frowned as he looked at his phone. When he looked up,

I knew Elias had hung up on him.

“Wow.” I shook my head again.

“He’s in a meeting with the Pope. He can’t just—”

“He shouldn’t have answered the call then,” I said. “You

said I needed to speak to him and he hung up.”

“It’s the Pope, Addie.”

“Yeah, well, I hope the Pope has time to listen to Elias

repent for his sins.” I walked toward the plane. “And let it be

known that the only reason I’m still taking this flight is

because I refuse to pay for a ticket right now. Let the Crown

pay for their newest employee.”

Pierre didn’t follow me on the plane, but there was a

security detail waiting for me. A woman named Mayra. I’d

met her previously. Today, I didn’t even wave at her. I just

walked to the last seat, sat, and started to cry.

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