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up the phone, he exhaled heavily. I didn’t look up from my

phone, but I felt his eyes on me.

“Do you think you’ll be able to handle this forever?” he

asked. I set my phone in my bag and met his gaze.

“The traveling back and forth?”

“Well, you’d have to stop traveling back and forth this

often at some point.”

“Maybe. Maybe not. He hasn’t proposed or anything.” I

shrugged a shoulder. And according to his conversation with

Emily’s father, it wasn’t his intention.

“He’d be an idiot not to.”

“Why? Because things are going so well?”

“I’ve never seen him this happy.”

“Do you think that’s because of me or because he feels

like a good king now?” I asked as the driver parked the car.

My door was opened by one of the security detail, but I

remained seated, looking at Pierre.

“I don’t understand the question.”

“You’re his personal secretary, right? His confidant. The

person he runs everything by.” I grabbed the handle of my



“Was the reason he broke things o with Emily and asked

me to be his girlfriend because he knew it would help his


“Adeline.” Pierre looked shocked, and it was the only

reaction I needed from him to confirm my worst fear.

“So it’s true.” I shook my head, trying to fight the tears I

felt coming. “He used me.”

“No. He loves you.”

“Does he though?” I blinked, wiping a tear. “Who else

knew about this?”

“There isn’t anything to know, Addie.”

“Who else knew, Pierre?”

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