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C H A P T E R 3 9



’d o cially been living in Paris for a month and as

Elias promised, I hadn’t been the least bit bored. I

was still commuting to and from London, which as my

mother warned, wasn’t great. It was exhausting and would

definitely get old soon, but I enjoyed helping Elias with

things for the Crown and seeing him whenever I had a

chance. He’d been so busy setting things up for Parliament

and a more democratic government that he barely had time

to sleep, let alone travel to London to see me. Joslyn and

Pilar had been keeping me company when I was in town and

he was holed up in his o ce or holding cabinet meetings in


I’d gotten into town yesterday, went straight to a shelter

for abused women, and had tea with them on behalf of the

Crown. It was part of Elias’s newly established outreach,

where each one of us—Elias himself, Aramis, Pilar, and I

would back causes and build foundations. He was definitely

taking a playbook from the English, and I was here to root

him on along the way. Today, I had to fly back to London for

a meeting, and after that, I promised my uncle I’d go to

Marbella to attend the grand opening of his bookstore. I’d be

back in Paris on Tuesday, then back in London on Thursday,

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