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Would Prince Elias recognize me? No. He wouldn’t. Right? I

was supposed to deliver a basket to his door every night at

seven thirty sharp. Those were my uncle’s orders. It was a

simple task, one my uncle had left perfect instructions for.

Five large wicker baskets were already stacked up in the

guest room in my villa, along with the contents of what went

in each of them. I hadn’t really paid much attention to any of

it, but I would tonight. My stomach coiled. I’d see him

tonight. Maybe not. I’d seen security outside of the villa I

assumed was his, the same one we’d . . . my face flamed. Oh

my God. I couldn’t do this.

“Adeline?” Etienne walked over to me and stood on the

other side of the counter. “What’s going on?”

“Nothing.” I blinked up at him. He looked concerned. I

sighed. “I don’t want to deliver the baskets.”

“If you want, I’ll take it tonight,” he said. “But I’ll be

gone tomorrow.”

“Why do you have to leave?” I groaned.

“Because my girlfriend is waiting for me in London.”

“Can’t you tell Mira to come here?” I rested my elbows on

the counter with an exhale.

“No.” He laughed. “Don’t be ridiculous. Elias won’t bite

you, and even if he is the guy who took your virginity, he . . .

I don’t know how to say it in a way that doesn’t sound awful,

Addie, but he’s slept with a lot of women.”

“He didn’t take my virginity. I gave it to him. There’s a

di erence.” I met his gaze. “He didn’t even know I was a


“I don’t think I would know either, to be honest.” He

pursed his lips to think. “Unless a woman starts bleeding.”

He shrugged. “And even then I may just assume she’s on her


That made me laugh out loud. Men were so clueless about

women’s bodies. Maybe Etienne was right. Prince Elias had

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