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ave you seen this?” Pierre walked into my o ce

and set a pile of newspapers in front of me.

I glanced at the first headline. The Playboy King. I set it

aside and looked at the next: King Size Womanizer. The Sinful

Kings Continue. Is the Throne in Peril? And the next: King’s First

Mistress Makes an Appearance. All of the photographs were of

myself and Adeline at the party last night, and others of my

father’s funeral, where I was with Emily, but couldn’t seem

to stop looking at Addie. I set them all down and looked at

Pierre as I stood up.


“I’m assuming Adeline is still sleeping?”

“Yes.” I sat back down with a heavy sigh.

Last night, we didn’t go back to the party. Instead, we left

through my private entrance and I had my driver bring us to

my apartment in Paris. I’d have sex with Adeline anywhere

she’d let me, but I wasn’t sure I’d ever be comfortable

sleeping in an almost four-hundred-year-old palace. The

o ce doors opened and both Pierre and I turned in that

direction to see Adeline, wearing a white cotton robe, her

hair piled atop her head in a messy bun, storming in waving

her phone at us. I stood up again.

“Did you see this?”

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