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“What?” My heart pounded. Was it about the wedding?

Was it about the mistress thing because having him this

close after not having him at all would make it that much

more di cult to say no to that.

“I broke o the engagement to Emily.”


“I won’t be marrying her.” He brought a hand out and

held one of mine. “I want to be with you.”

“But I’m not a royal.” I frowned.

“I’m the king now, Addie. I make my own rules.” His lips

turned up slightly. “Will you do this with me?”

“I . . . ”

“I’m not asking you to marry me. I’m asking you to just

try this out. I know it’s a lot to ask and there will be a lot for

you to give up if you decide you’re in it for the long run, so

think of this as . . . me courting you. The way I should have

this entire summer.” His thumb ran along the back of my

hand. “Please?”

“Who am I to deny my king?” I whispered, a small smile

touching my lips.

Elias’s eyes lit up as he laughed. “Really? You’ll try?”

“I’ll try.” I couldn’t help the way my smile widened.

Seeing him this happy was everything.

“Thank you.” He grinned, bringing his hands to my face,

and pulled me into a kiss.

“So, is this where you’re sleeping now?” I asked, pulling

away and looking around again.

“No. I’m still in my apartment in Paris.” He was still

looking at me when I met his gaze.

“Hey, Eli.” I grabbed the lapels of his jacket.

“Yes?” He raised an eyebrow.

“I think you should show me to your bedchambers.”

His laughter rang out, echoing in the walls. I felt giddy

and wondered how many kings had laughed in this room and

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