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“I miss you.”

“Please. Not here.” My heart leaped into my ears.

He couldn’t speak to me like that in public and expect me

to keep a poised and stoic appearance. There were

photographers everywhere, snapping photos of every single

moment. There were journalists ready to rip him apart for

any misstep. I pulled away and took a step back with a smile,

for their sake, and let go of his hand. He looked at me for one

more second before moving on to Pierre, now standing

beside me. I let out a breath when he was far enough, but

maintained my composure because I’d learned the way the

media worked. I’d learned that their lens would stay on me

long after I thought they looked away. When Elias was

finished greeting and thanking everyone, the room

applauded and erupted into cheers once more, and I finally

managed to breathe out.

“They probably photographed him doing that,” I said to

Pierre in a voice as low as I could muster.

“They definitely photographed it.” He glanced away from

me and looked around momentarily, suddenly smiling wide.

“They’re photographing us right now. Smile. Or laugh.”

“I’ll be on page one tomorrow.” I laughed. It sounded

fake, but thankfully sound didn’t translate in photographs.

“What was he thinking?”

“Funny you should ask. I need you to come with me when

this is over.”

My smile faltered. “Where?”

“To the King’s State Apartments.”

“For what?” My pulse quickened.

I didn’t know what state apartments were, but I assumed

it was some kind of bedroom? Surely Elias didn’t mean to

seduce me on his coronation day, when Emily was present. I

looked over at the dance floor, which was mostly empty, save

for an elderly couple in the corner. Everyone else seemed to

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