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“You better know what you’re doing, Elias. The future of

this monarchy is sitting on your shoulders.” She reached for

Emily’s hand and dragged her out of the room as if she were

a child.

When the doors slammed shut behind them, I let out a

breath and looked at Pierre.

“That was a good save.”

“Somebody had to say something.” Pierre handed over

my jacket. “What are you going to do?”

“I’ll have to ask her tonight.” I shrugged on the jacket.

“And hope that she accepts.”

“She’d have to uproot her entire life for you. That’s what

you’d be asking of her,” Pierre said. “Her life is in London

and unlike Emily, Adeline has a company to run. She’d be

giving up a lot if she agrees to this.”

“I know.” I took a breath and exhaled it. It was a lot to ask

of anyone. I wasn’t blind to that.

“I’ll start a list of names in case she says no.” Pierre

headed to the door.

“No.” My voice rung out in the room.

“Just in case.” He turned to look at me. “You need a

backup plan.”

“I don’t want a list. If Addie won’t do it, we’ll figure out

another way.”

“Eli, you need to have a plan.”

“Give me a couple of days. I’ll have one.”

He gave a nod and walked away, leaving me in the

chambers by myself. I’d never liked staying in Versailles and

had never envisioned myself sleeping in the king’s

bedchambers. My father loved it. He said he felt closer to his

roots, to the Sun God, and it served as a reminder of why he

was here and what he was to accomplish. I felt haunted by

those things, not inspired. I finished dressing and walked out

of the lavish room. Pierre was waiting just outside the door

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