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he turned to me. “Maybe we should find out where a handful

of them live. You can pay them a visit with Emily. Let them

see things will be di erent.”

“That’s what we’ll do.” I gave a nod. It seemed like a solid


“Won’t the people you so desperately want to impress see

that as a publicity stunt?” Aramis slid his phone into his

pocket and looked up at me from the other side of the


It was a valid question. One I didn’t have an answer for. I

looked at Pierre beside him. I was so far removed from it all

that I had no idea how people saw me at all. I thought of

Adeline. Adeline, who was sweet and kind but also fiery.

Adeline, who made me question things because she

questioned me without judging my responses. She pushed

me in a way nobody else dared. Even my brother, who said

whatever was on his mind all the time had a limit. Adeline

didn’t. She just was. Limitless.

“Earth to Eli.” Aramis snapped his fingers. I blinked.

“What the hell was that?”

“Just thinking about something.”

“Someone,” Pierre provided, his mouth turning with



“You’re going to see her tonight and I’m afraid of what

you’ll do,” Pierre provided. “Afraid of what I’ll have to clean

up tomorrow, and she doesn’t deserve that—to be

something I clean up. Don’t bring her into this mess, Eli.”

“I’m not.” My frown deepened. “I’m not a monster.”

“Monsters seldom think they are.”

The words came from my brother’s mouth and I found

myself unable to contend them. The more time I spent

around Adeline, the more I found myself wanting to twist

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