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I glanced at my brother and Pierre. “I have to get on a

carriage and parade around from here to the Basilica while

the people riot? They already tried to kill me once. Who’s to

say it won’t happen again?”

“We would never let that happen, Your Majesty.” That

was Pierre.

“Stop it with the Your Majesty bullshit when it’s just the

three of us.” I turned around and faced the mirror again,

undoing my tie quickly and tossing it aside.

“Do you want a di erent tie?” Pierre asked.

“I don’t want a tie at all.”

“You’ll wear this to the coronation.” Pierre pointed at the

extravagant costume set over the bed. “And the tuxedo to the

party afterward, so maybe you should change into the first

outfit first and I’ll get the collar taken care of.”

“I fucking hate parties.” I shrugged the tuxedo o ,

tossing it on the bed and walked over to the first costume.

It looked like something out of King Lear, but it would do.

It was the same thing my father wore for his coronation,

which was similar to what his father had worn, and the list

went on. I couldn’t be the first person to say no to this. I was

supposed to hold this palace together. I was supposed to

solidify that the sovereign wasn’t going anywhere just

because my father was no longer with us. Sure, I’d try to

modernize things a bit, but today was not the time for that.

Today, I’d fall in line like I was expected to. Tomorrow,

during my meeting with the cabinet, I’d try to work with

them more. Something my father was always criticized for

not doing.

Riding in a chariot wasn’t all it was worked up to be. I’d only

done it once before, when I was a child. It was one of the

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