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C H A P T E R 2 7


he invitation in my hand felt heavy as I read it a

third time. I set it down on the counter and

looked at Joss.

“Maybe it was meant for you.”

“I have my own.” She lifted the ivory envelope in front of

her. “They meant to invite you, which makes sense. You are

planning the wedding, after all.”

“I don’t think I can stomach going to this.” I looked at

the invitation again. “Emily will be there with him.”

“She was at Sunday dinner with him.”

“They weren’t this o cial yet then.” I gnawed my bottom


“It was their engagement announcement. They were

o cial enough.” Joss raised an eyebrow. “You’ve agreed to

plan their wedding, Addie.”

“I hate all of this.” I sighed heavily and reached for my

phone and began a text. “I wonder if Etienne will be there.”

“I’m sure he’s invited.”

“How upset do you think the queen will be if I back out of

planning the wedding?” I glanced up at Joss, whose

eyebrows had reached a new altitude.

“Very, but not as upset as your mother will be.”

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