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C H A P T E R 2 6



told you that you’d be seeing him everywhere,”

Joslyn said.

I set the tabloid down and glanced at her. She was giving

me a look I hoped to avoid—full of compassion, kindness,

and a little bit of I told you so. She had told me so and the

reality was far worse than I’d anticipated. Seeing Elias with

another woman was the most painful thing I’d had to

endure. Forget being the subject of a sex scandal and having

my video leaked everywhere. Forget my father’s dismissal of

his disgraced daughter over it. This was, hands down, the

most heart-wrenching thing. I guess you could say that the

moment I realized that I was in love with Elias was the

moment I saw him with another woman. Then suddenly

everything became crystal clear. I wanted him to not go

through with the coronation. I wanted him to say fuck

tradition and run away with me instead. I wanted him to give

up decades of history because he wanted me more than he

wanted to rule. I focused on the items on the conveyer belt in

front of me and paid the grocery bill when they were finished

bagging them.

“At least you can move on now.” Joss grabbed the handle

of the grocery cart and started pushing it outside.

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