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she caught wind that her own son couldn’t do the same,

she’d have a lot to say and none of it would be good.

“So, where are you going with this?” Aramis asked after a

moment. “Are you going to take a mistress? Is that what it’ll

come down to?”

“She won’t accept that.”

His eyes widened. “You asked her?”

“I had to know.”

“You’re a real asshole.” He shook his head. “I wouldn’t

even ask that of someone.”

“I know.”

“And you love this woman?” He frowned. “I couldn’t

imagine asking a woman I love to be my side piece.”

“You would if you had no other choice.” My voice was a

roar in the otherwise silent room.

“I’m just making a statement.” He put his free hand up

and took another sip of his scotch. The single ice in mine had

all but disappeared into the amber liquid in my glass. I had

barely touched it.

“Do you think I would ask that of her if I thought I could

fix this?” I asked after a moment. “I don’t want to lose her.”

“Eli,” he said, and it was the seriousness in his tone that

made me meet his gaze again. “You already lost her.”

“How could you possibly know that?”

“Your ascension already happened. Your coronation is

currently underway. After that, it’s done. You might as well

forget about her.”

I already knew that, of course, but his words still brought

a sting with them. I picked up the scotch I’d been ignoring

and drained the glass. What good was savoring something

exquisite if you had no shot at keeping it?

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