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Afterward, we went to the palace. I didn’t want to go, but

Etienne insisted, and I knew Joslyn would be there so that

gave me the push I needed. I hadn’t expected to see Emily,

the Princess of Austria there, but there she was in all her

pretty glory. She said hello to Etienne, and since I was beside

him, to me as well. It was the first time we’d really spoken at

all directly to each other. As she shook hands with Etienne, I

stared at the ring on her finger and focused on not reacting.

“Everything has happened so fast, I don’t think we got a

chance to formally meet,” she said to me. “I’m Emily.”

“Adeline.” I shook hands with her.

“I heard you’ll be planning the wedding.” She smiled. She

said the wedding, not our wedding.

“Do you plan to be involved?” I asked.

“I’m not sure I can or should be. The queen knows what

she’s doing. I’m sure everything will be handled.”

“But it’s your wedding,” Etienne said. “Surely you can’t

be the only woman on the planet who doesn’t care much

about a wedding.”

“Well, I guess I am. I’ve never given it much thought.”

She shrugged, still smiling. “I figure it’ll be grand and

beautiful regardless of my input. I’ll see you two around.”

“Admit it, you think she’s nice,” Etienne said.

“She is nice, but I still don’t like her. That’s allowed,


“Hey,” Joss said as she came up to us.

“Where have you been?” I asked, giving her a tight

sideways hug before she moved on to Etienne.

“Around. With Pilar. She’s sad, poor thing.”

“They all seem pretty put together,” I said. “I haven’t

seen the queen.”

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