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empty seats we could find, right in the back, near the door,

and listened as the priest spoke about life and death. I stared

at the larger than life co n. It had a red cape draped over it

with a red and gold crown up top. It matched the outrageous

flower arrangements that lined the long entrance to the

chapel. I leaned out in hopes of catching a glimpse of Elias,

but there was a sea of suits and dresses in front of us and I

couldn’t see him. Knowing I was in the same room as him

would have to be enough for now. My heart sank. Was that

how things would be from now on? I’d have to be glad to just

be breathing the same air as him without being anywhere

near him? It shouldn’t matter. I didn’t even live in this

country. But it did. It did matter. My mother received a call

from the queen’s secretaries to tell her the wedding had been

postponed, but they hadn’t given an indication of a date and

we didn’t want to pry under the circumstances. Even Joss

hadn’t dared to ask Pilar, so we simply assumed they’d let us

know when they were ready. Personally, I hoped it would be

canceled altogether. And for what? So he could find another

princess to marry in a couple of years? I needed to stop

thinking about him as if he was just someone who was hard

to get and come to terms with the fact that he was

impossible to get.

The service seemed to go on forever. When it ended,

everyone stood and watched as the casket was rolled

forward, everyone turning toward it and bowing to pay their

respects as it passed. I finally caught sight of Elias. My pulse

instantly quickened. I hadn’t seen him in a week and even

though I did miss him, I hadn’t realized how much until this

very moment. All I wanted to do was break protocol and run

up to him and hug him. He was walking on one side of the

casket while Aramis walked on the other. They both looked

stoic. A far cry from the Elias that showed up at my villa a

week ago. As he walked by, his gaze cut to mine and held for

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