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C H A P T E R 2 4


he funeral was unlike anything I’d seen before

and we weren’t even inside the Basilica of Saint-

Denis yet. It made me wonder why the queen had asked me

to plan the wedding at all when they obviously had a

prepared in-house system. I turned to Etienne, beside me,

and asked him that very thing. He shrugged as he looked at


“My guess is she wants the wedding to be more like the

soirée you put on for the engagement and less like this.” He

nodded up at the church we were walking toward. “Less

stu y.”

“Well, this is a funeral. It’s supposed to be stu y.”

“Depends whose funeral it is.”

“The same can be said for weddings.”

“Exactly.” Etienne smiled. “God forbid the planning was

left to Elias. It would be as stu y as you can get.”

“He’s not stu y.” I frowned. “Their parties are insane.”

“Aramis’s parties are insane. Elias is bored by them,

remember?” He smirked.

I glanced back up as we reached the church doors and let

go of Etienne’s arm as he opened the door for us. No one

looked back at the sound of our entrance, which was good

since the priest had already started talking. We took the first

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