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C H A P T E R 2 0


he king.

It was impossible, of course. How could the

bedridden king make all of that go away? More importantly,

why? My gaze traveled back to Elias, who was sipping his tea

without a care in the world. His eyes lifted to mine. Of

course. He had told me he would do this, after all, hadn’t he?

I’d asked him not to meddle, and he did it anyway. I

should’ve probably been more upset than I was, but it was

hard when I felt such relief. The video had disappeared just

as quickly as it had appeared. It was gone and no one was

allowed to talk about it. Wasn’t that the exact thing my

father hated about the monarchy? Wasn’t that the kind of

thing he fought against? He hated their power to silence the

press, to take away freedom of speech. Personally, I didn’t

agree with it either, but in this case it was definitely

benefiting me. I was being a hypocrite. I knew I was, but I

couldn’t help it. I just wasn’t sure how to deal with Elias.

Should I thank him for it? Berate him for it? Leave it alone?

He raised an eyebrow and I realized I was still staring. I

blinked and looked away.

The queen stood and clinked her glass in a total movie

moment move and the entire table quieted down and looked

at her. She was smiling wide, but it didn’t reach her eyes.

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