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“I slept on the train,” I said, as if that would explain the

state I was in.

Truth was, I did look rumpled. I’d barely slept, so I was

sure there were bags under my eyes. My hair was a mess in a

bun that I hadn’t taken the time to fix. I hadn’t ironed my

linen coat and I was sure the buttons on my blouse were

mismatched. I never looked rumpled. At least not in public,

so Mrs. Parsons was right to be concerned.

“Come inside for tea,” she said, her tone leaving no room

for argument.

“I should set my bags down,” I said, arguing anyway.

“I’ll let you get settled then. Tea tomorrow at noon.”

“Tomorrow at noon.” I smiled and waited for her to

disappear into her flat before going into mine.

Once inside, I began to shed my clothes, sliding o my

shoes first before moving onto my scarf and jacket. I walked

up to the pile of letters at the edge of my counter and leafed

through them, sorting the bills from the trash, and setting

aside invitations I’d received. Some of the letters were for

Joss, so I set those in a separate pile altogether. Taking the

bills and invitations with me, I walked over to each of the

windows on this floor and pulled open the curtains, letting

the midday sun wash over the space. I would go downstairs

and upstairs later. For now, I wanted to pay my bills, do my

laundry, and take a nap.

My phone woke me up. I reached for it blindly and answered it

upon seeing Mrs. Meyers’ number on the screen.

“Is everything okay?” I said as a greeting.

“No, everything is not okay. That man is insu erable and

I will not deliver any more baskets.”

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