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C H A P T E R 1 8


heeded my mother’s warning and packed my

things as soon as I got home. I wouldn’t have, had

last night not happened, but it did, and the feeling weighing

in the pit of my stomach was worse with each passing

second. I wasn’t running from it though. I couldn’t. I just

needed to go back to London and check my flat and regroup

all of my thoughts and feelings. I needed to find a box inside

myself where I could store them all and shut the lid on the

entire thing. Or burn it. Despite everything, I wanted Elias

way more than I should and last night had made things

worse for me. I would use the excuse of needing to check on

my flat though. I’d been gone a while, and even though my

neighbor, Mrs. Parsons, was making sure things were tidy

and didn’t get cobwebs, her services didn’t extend to paying

past due bills, which I was bound to have if I didn’t go

through my mail soon.

As I packed, I thought about Elias and wondered if I

should say anything to him. I opted against it. He wasn’t

back from Versailles anyway. For all I knew, he was spending

the day with one of the princesses he’d soon marry. Besides

that, we’d agreed on one night and one night we had. One

night that conjured memories of our first time and made me

wish like hell I hadn’t agreed to anything at all, but it was

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