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throw a better party . . . ”

“Not likely.” I looked back inside. “This is the ‘it’ DJ right

now, and honestly, it is a great party. I’m just not feeling like

myself tonight I guess.”

“And you have a flight tomorrow.”

“And that.”

“Spend the night with me.” He set a hand over mine.

My heart slammed into my chest. No one had ever asked

me to have sex with them like that. Or like anything, for that

matter. In my group of friends, I was the only eighteenyear-old

going o to college who was still a virgin. I had no

reason for it either. It just hadn’t happened for me.

“I understand if you don’t want to,” he said, taking his

hand back.

I looked into his eyes again, the eyes I could barely see,

from underneath a mask I was grateful for right now. I’d

never thought about who I’d lose my virginity to. I was

vehemently against having a serious boyfriend during

college, so at this point, I kind of figured it would be some

frat boy in North Carolina and I was okay with that option.

Looking at this man right now, whom I didn’t even know the

name of, I knew deep in my core I wanted it to be him.

“I want to.” I slid my hand over his and squeezed.

He took my hand in his and led me down the stairs on the

side of the house, and then down another set. The villa was

three stories, with windows that faced the view of the ocean

behind. My father and his brother had built these villas with

the full intention of renting them out to tourists. Instead,

their renters had been royals, actors, models, and celebrities

from all around the world. Our own house had never been

rented out. When my parents weren’t there, they had it

locked, regardless of how much money was o ered for it. I

was familiar with the layout and I knew he was leading me to

the first floor, where there was a bedroom—the only

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