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“She’s the queen, Adeline. Of course you want to meet


“I guess.” I walked faster, hating the hop in my step each

time I took one. “I’ll look for you when I get back.”

I slowed down as I reached the cottages. There was a

couple going into one of the guest rooms. Not a couple.

Prince Elias and a woman. It could have been his brother—

they were both similar heights and builds, and wearing the

same masks—but I knew it was him. Prince Elias was the

man of the hour. His outfit was all gold, with gold stitching

on the jacket and an ivory shirt underneath with frilly lace at

the neck, that made it look even more lavish. He wasn’t

wearing a wig, so his dark hair was slicked back, and he

looked more regal than any king I’d ever seen. My heart

skipped a beat as he disappeared into the cottage with the

woman. It wasn’t his cottage. It wasn’t his brother’s either.

It must have been hers.

I picked up the pace again and walked inside of my

cottage quickly, taking o my shoes as I went over to the

desk, to look at the layout again. It was where the Princess of

Austria was staying. I wasn’t sure why that bothered me so

much. Why have this party at all if he’d already chosen his

bride though? Why make us go through the hassle? I

reminded myself that I was being paid a lot of money to plan

this event, but that thought only silenced my annoyance for

a second. I swiped the desk, letting the papers fall to the

floor, and turned to the closet. The shoes I’d been wearing

were very Victorian and matched the dress perfectly.

Thankfully, I’d had it in mind to take silly pictures while

here and packed what I liked to call my Mary Poppins shoes.

I’d worn them for a costume party a couple of years ago, but

they were sensible and cute, and I took them everywhere. I

slipped them on, fixed my hair and makeup, and put the

mask over my face again. If I was going to meet the queen, I

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