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“Because she truly doesn’t like him.” Pilar smiled. “She’s

a good friend.”

If being a good friend meant not going after one of her

brothers, I definitely wouldn’t tell Pilar about Elias and me.

Not that there was anything to tell. We reached the Ballroom

Grove again and I was glad to see the DJ had taken center

stage and everyone was dancing. It looked hilariously out of

place—the DJ playing this music with everyone wearing

these gowns. It was a complete mindfuck. If any of the past

kings would have climbed out of their graves and stumbled

upon this scene, they would have been highly confused.

“And to think, someone in this garden will marry my

brother in a couple of months.”

“A couple of months?” My voice was nearly a shrill,

though I tried hard to play it cool.

Pilar nodded. “Father wants it to happen while he’s still


“That makes sense.” My heart pounded harder, as if to

state its complaint on the matter.

“Nothing in our lives makes sense, but we go along with

it anyway.” She had her eyes trained on the party—the DJ,

the costumed dancers on stage, the fire-breathers, the

acrobats, the people moving on the dance floor.

I was proud of the way things were going. I had only seen

a couple of the potential brides walk in through their

designated area, but everything from the entrances to the

shows seemed to be moving along.

“Where is your brother?” I asked. “I haven’t seen him all


“Around.” She waved a hand. “Eli hates parties.”

“I find that so funny considering he’s always hosting


“Like I said, nothing in our lives makes sense.” She

smiled, looking over at me. “Thanks for helping me out

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