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C H A P T E R 1 5


feel like I’m going to throw up.”

My head whipped to the person beside me.

She was wearing a mask, the way all of us were, but hers had

purple feathers, which meant she must have been Princess

Pilar: Prince Elias’s youngest sibling. My mother, Joss,

Madame Rose, and I agreed that the four of them—the

Queen, Prince Elias, Prince Aramis, and Princess Pilar—

would wear something purple on their masks to tell them

apart from the rest of the crowd. Of course, their crowns and

excessive jewels already did the trick in that regard, but it

was an easy way for us to make the distinction in case

anything happened and also for security, in case either of the

princes or the princess decided to run o during the party

without anyone in tow. I watched in horror as Princess Pilar

placed a hand on her stomach and another over her mouth.

We were standing directly over the food. If she threw up here

. . . oh God. I grabbed her arm and yanked her away from the

food and out of the tent, rushing over to the side of the

hedges. Then, she bent over and started heaving. I reacted

quickly, reaching out and holding her hair out of the way and

making sure the small crown on her head didn’t fall o . It

was probably worth more than my life.

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