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tonight. Mine was pale blue with ivory lace accents—the

bodice, the sleeves, the skirt. Underneath the skirt, I had

what looked and felt like a back pillow tied around myself

and set on the small of my back to create an exaggerated

bubble e ect on my butt and make the skirt fuller.

“I can’t breathe in this,” my mother said beside me.

“Welcome to the club.” I looked at her gold and ivory

gown. “You look great though.”

“Thank you, so do you.” She looked around. “Where’s


“I thought she was with you.”


“Hm.” I glanced around the large tented area. “I’m going

to make sure the stage is ready for the performers. I want

them to start as the guests are arriving. Please make sure the

flowers are correct and that the people are already pouring

drinks through the ice sculptures.”

I walked out of the tent and headed in the direction of the

stage. The gardens were enormous. We had two tents set up

with food and drinks in the four corners of the premises in

hopes to discourage people from venturing o on their own.

The pathway back to the cottages were lit up as well as the

back of the palace. Even still, there were a few dark areas. I

tried to block those dark crevices to keep people from falling

into the fountains and keep them away from the woods that

surrounded the gardens. Someone could easily get lost out

here and I did not want to be responsible for anything going

wrong tonight.

As it was, it was the first event in months that my

company put together and I showed up to. We were far away

from London gossip, but I wouldn’t be the least surprised if

Thomas Evans was in attendance tonight. Still, the thought

of seeing my ex-boyfriend didn’t compare to the nerves I felt

at seeing Prince Elias again. I needed to keep my wits about

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