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C H A P T E R 1 4


re you sure this isn’t going to be weird for you?” I

asked Pierre for the third time since he’d arrived.

I’d asked him to be my date to this, but thought for sure

he wouldn’t show after he witnessed my date with Elias.

“Why would it be weird?” Pierre smiled. “Because you

went on a date with another man and I had to stand there

and watch the entire thing?”

“Yes.” I felt my entire body heat with embarrassment.

“Hey, I wasn’t o ended.” He squeezed my arm lightly,

still smiling that warm smile of his that reached his pale blue

eyes. “You’re allowed to date whomever you want, whenever

you want.”

“I feel like I should apologize.”

“You shouldn’t.” Pierre dropped his arm and looked at

me. “Don’t apologize. We’re friends and that’s why I’m here

tonight. I’ll help with whatever you need.”

“Thank you.” I smiled for a second and gave him a onceover.

He looked like he belonged in King Louis XIV’s court.

“All you’re missing is a flu y white wig.”

“Thankfully they’re not required.” He laughed, shaking

the mask he was holding. “Otherwise, we wouldn’t be able to

put these on.”

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