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C H A P T E R 1 3


’d spent my entire week focused on the gala that

was happening this upcoming weekend. After

driving back and forth to Versailles on Monday and Tuesday,

I decided to book a hotel and stay nearby for the week. There

was no use going back to the villa when I was on the phone

with all of the entertainment companies I had lined up, the

costume company, the caterers, and Madame Rose. My

mother and Joss were helping, but they also had a wedding

in Paris to focus on, so I had to do the majority of the work.

Because of this, I’d begged my uncle to let me hire a few

teenagers for the bookstore and gave the basket task to Mrs.

Meyers for the week. I hadn’t heard from or seen Elias since

our date on Saturday, not that I’d expected to. He didn’t have

my phone number and I hadn’t really been in the villa long

enough for him to contact me. It was for the best. I’d been so

busy that I barely had time to think about him much, except

at night when I lay in bed and replayed every single part of

our date. At first, the memories made me smile. Then, I

wound up getting upset at the Princess of Austria. I’d looked

her up, of course. She was pretty. Blonde, blue eyes, warm


I didn’t like her.

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