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“No.” I shivered. “But it’s our only date, so I figured I

should say what’s on my mind.”

“You should.” He kissed the other side of my mouth. “I

like that you’re honest with me.”

“Are you going to kiss me now? Because I don’t think my

heart can take any more of this teasing.”

He chuckled against my lips, but instead of making a

retort to my statement, he pressed his lips against mine. My

eyes slammed shut. My body acted on its own accord, my

arms wrapping around his neck as his hands held me by the

ribs, his thumbs just underneath my breasts. Breathing was

a struggle. My brain wouldn’t shut o , wouldn’t stop

conjuring things to do with him on the only night I had him,

but I couldn’t seem to do anything but kiss him back. Fire

raced through my veins as our tongues met. His grip

tightened. My nails dug into his shoulder blades as I lifted a

leg over him and straddled him, deepening the kiss. It was

unlike me, but I didn’t care. I couldn’t seem to get a grip and

control everything that was happening inside of my body. I

felt like I was floating, the butterflies in my stomach lifting

me in weightless abandon. Elias groaned against my mouth,

his chest heaving against mine as we both came up for air for

just a moment, gazing at each other through hazy eyes

before our mouths met again, wilder this time.

I didn’t even hear anyone approach us, but the sound of a

man clearing his throat made both Elias and I jump back and

pull away. I stayed on his lap, frozen, as we both glanced up

to see Pierre hovering over us.

“I’m sorry to interrupt,” he said. “The Princess of Austria

is here.”

“She’s here?” Elias sounded taken aback.

“We asked her to wait in the foyer so she wouldn’t . . .

interrupt,” Pierre said.

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